Testing your knowledge about
Feeding Your Dog:
Is it important to know this? Well, for your dog, it is VERY
important that you know too! Dogs are carnivores, and even
though they do need some vegetarian input to their diet,
they cannot thrive without a proper balance. And that
balance is very different from what would make a
healthy and well-balanced diet for you! (No insult to your possible taste for a good steak, but
humans have tried to become hunters for more than 300,000 years now,
and we are still not capable of digesting raw meat!
We have to cook it first in order to get the nutritional
value from it.)
As you understand now, there are quite a few pitfalls
you need to avoid when feeding your dog -
as the above examples show. A natural human
diet will not do it, and any of the commercial dog foods
certainly won't either! The most serious of those manufacturers
openly admit that their food is the best on the market
- because there is no raw natural dog food available on the
market! They rely on "consumer convenience" for their business
and ignore the fact of this costing your dog 30-35% of its life span, and
increasing your vet bills to a total level that in average is about
10 times higher than what you would need if you knew
how to feed your dog a natural diet... Think about those numbers. They are based on scientific studies.
Would it matter to you if your dog could live 3-5 years longer?
Would it matter to you if you could reduce your vet bills
to about 10% of what they would be if you continue feeding
commercial "dog" food? These questions are rhetoric - because we know you want your dog
to be as healthy as you can make it! And when you have
fed your dog a natural diet for 4-8 weeks, you can answer
the question your vet might ask you: "What an excellent
shape your dog is in? What are you feeding it?"
Click on the picture below to find out how you get the answers - for your dog's sake...
- or, if you want it all downloaded right away, you can click here!