Mogens Eliasen:

"Feeding Your Dog - the Natural Way"


The Video:

Raw, unbleached tripe is 
the best toothbrush you can give your dog!. 
Order your video about feeding it well 
by clicking on the picture!

"Feeding Your Dog – The Natural Way" is a condensed instruction video, based on the knowledge presented in Human Dog Leadership Inc.’s standard seminar on "Food and Nutrition for Dogs" which Mogens Eliasen was the first to teach. The contents of the seminar are based on Mogens' research on dog physiology, combined with his own 30+ years of experience with dogs, and on the preventive health care programs and trainer education programs he developed and ran together with the famous Danish veterinarian Finn Smed for dog training associations in Denmark.

The seminar is normally very interactive with the audience, addressing individual problems experienced by the members of the audience which often includes veterinarians. For the video, most of the individual/personal questions have been edited out of the context, and the seminar shortened to fit the format of the tape. The video recording and technical work is done by Darren Kells from Master Works who worked together with Mogens on the final editing, based on Finn Smed’s critical veterinarian comments.

The feeding concepts developed by Finn and Mogens as presented on this video have sparked the establishment of Canine Choice Natural Foods Inc. which was the first manufacturer of raw natural dog food, prepared in accordance with the principles taught in this video!

In the video, Mogens explains the fundamentals of the dog’s carnivore physiology and gives a brief overview of the nutritional contents of dog food, commercial as well as natural, before he presents the principles for a natural diet.

The video plays about an hour - and it is concentrated stuff! To support you, it comes together with a 20 page pamphlet with all the important details. This way, you will have an easy reference when you prepare your dog's food - and you will quickly discover that it is very easy!


Why you want this video:

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You love your dog! And you are serious about taking good care of it! You want to see your dog healthy, enjoying its life. You want as few reasons as you can get for having to see your veterinarian. You know that you can expect your dog to live 30% longer on a natural diet - and remain far more healthy all its life than what you can ever achieve on any commercial dog foods.

You want to learn how you can balance your dog's diet with ingredients you can get easily. You want your carnivore associate to enjoy his food - and you want no hassle preparing it! As a side benefit, you would also like to be able to assess the commercial information you get from pet food manufacturers - just to have a good laugh....

Please understand that feeding dogs a natural diet is far from new. It is actually the traditional way of feeding our four-legged companions. It is only during the last 50 years, things have been completely turned around by the pet food industry in North America, trying to make money on selling cheap food, catering to consumer convenience instead of sound education. The principles for feeding, as Mogens Eliasen explains them in this video, are based on more than 40 years solid experience, confirmed by thousands and thousands of happy dogs and happy dog owners. It is, indeed a very old and very well-proven concept.

Here is what you will get from this video:

  • A thorough understanding of the dog's gastrointestinal system and how it all works in harmony with the natural food it is supposed to digest.

  • Enough basic chemistry to understand why you should never cook any food for your dog...

  • Why dogs don't need to fear infections from raw food - not even from food that is naturally decomposing and totally unfit for human consumption!

  • Why pre-manufactured dog food ("kibble") has no way of qualifying as a healthy food source for your dog!

  • Why serving cooked food will cause mal-nourishment of you dog...

  • Why a dried food never can retain its original nutritional quality...

  • How you can get the right ingredients - without paying too much.

  • How you can ensure that the diet you feed is well balanced.

  • How you can know if you feed too much - or too little.

  • When and how you should feed.

  • What you should add to the main ingredients of the food (supplements like vitamins, herbs, vegetable oils, etc.)

  • How you make sure that your dog's teeth will always stay shiny clean - without ever using a toothbrush!

  • How you combat the vast majority of skin problems and allergies.

In addition to all this, you also get the little pamphlet that contains a simple overview of which ingredients you should use - and how you balance them. You will be amazed to learn how easy it actually is!

You will probably want to watch the video several times, including showing it to the grown-up members of your family. In order to get the most out of it, you will also want to refer to the written notes (all the overheads used in the lecture are provided in hard copy) – and probably also make your own notes relating to your situation and how you can find practical ways to feed your best friend as closely as possible to the way Nature intended it. Your dog deserves it!

The Lecturer:

Click on the picture to see Mogens Eliasen's bio! Mogens Eliasen was Chief Instructor for Human Dog Leadership Inc., a school he developed for dog handlers to learn how to train their dogs and take good responsible care of them. Together with his close friend, the Danish Veterinarian Finn Jensen Smed who is famous for his overwhelming results with his health maintenance programs based on a natural approach. Respecting the dog’s carnivore physiology, Mogens developed a comprehensive down-to-earth education program for dog handlers and instructors. This program is building on Finn’s veterinary expertise and extensive practical experience combined with Mogens’ own scientific education in chemistry. Add to that Mogens’ talent to entertain and make complicated things simple, and you will enjoy the enlightenment process!

  • Click on the picture to see Mogens Eliasen's bio.


Samples from the Video

All of our video excerpts are made short and compact in order to save download time. The technical quality of the samples is not representative of the video quality!

In order to view the excerpts, you need a video player installed on your computer, like Windows Media Player. If you require more information or need to download a free plug-in please visit the Microsoft web site.

Video Clip #1

Video Clip #5

Video Clip #2

Video Clip #6

Video Clip #3

Video Clip #7

Video Clip #4

Video Clip #8

For a live presentation of the seminar for your organization (or any other seminar, workshop, or course by Mogens Eliasen), you should check Mogens Eliasen's training web site. (If you refer to Dog-Smart Education, you will get a 10% discount.)


Questions relating to the video, answered by the Lecturer:

If you want to read what other people have asked and what Mogens Eliasen has answered, then check our question & answer list for the video. We will be happy to include yours too!

There are many myths and many fears connected to feeding dogs a natural diet. The pet food industry certainly does a lot to maintain them, regardless of the complete lack of diligent basis for them! Dogs do not get vicious when being fed raw meat, and they don't get malnourished by being given a natural diet. And the last 50 years of traditional kibble-feeding has not turned our dogs into "fully domesticated pets" that no longer have any natural properties left. Just think of man's attempt for now more than 300,000 years to make a hunter out of himself - we still cannot digest raw meat effectively, and certainly not without a huge risk to our health!

The so-called "scientists" that claim that their dog food is "complete" are simply lying - nobody can know everything about this stuff - it is arrogant and ignorant. Our knowledge expands every day still. We are far from finished developing out understanding of what is going on in Nature - so the only true way of not messing up thing is by trying to get as close to Nature's way of doing things as we can.

Keep in mind that the difference between a wolf's genes and your dog's genes is no greater than the difference between the genes of black and white people...

But you don't have to go to any extremes, such at feeding your dog whole live rabbits and chickens. Mogens Eliasen's video will show you how you can still meet the dog's nutritional needs, in a way that makes sense also for you as consumer in a modern society.

It is all about balance - and when you have this video to support you, it will be easy.

And once you see the results of feeding your dog a natural diet, you will never ever want to revert to feeding anything else...

The question is not whether you dare to feed a natural diet. It is do you really dare not to feed a natural diet?

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