Back issues of
"The Peeing Post"

Here is a list of the back issues of The Peeing Post. It is organized in reverse date order, newest issues first. Simply click on the date to have the issue pop up in a new browser window. (Please note that the same window is used for the next issue you might click on. This should help you browse through the issues without losing the overview.)

Please note that the issues that are dated are in the first table below that is greenish. The issues that are part of the introduction letters are collected in the bluish table after that.

Dated issues:

Date issued:
Topics covered:
2005 SEP 01

"My Dog..." questions - an overview of the ways you can contact the editor, also with a personal dog problem.

"The Dog's Social Behavior" on DVD - announcement of the revised version to come soon.

"My dog is itchy"... - some reasons for itchiness, including some that most people do not think of, and also including how you work with your vet around such complex issues...

Comments on article about raw food in "Dogs in Canada".
2005 JUN 19

Another happy announcement - invitation to join a private series of seminars/workshops in Kelowna, BC on June 24-26.

"Vicious dogs killing old lady" - some serious thoughts about the reasons for such bizarre stories....

Fall camp course in Creston, BC now planned for September 18-25 - details at
2005 MAY 19

A happy announcement - results of the contest re: before/after stories about the training results our test audience achieved with "Don't Pull on the Leash!".

"Correcting" the annoying symptoms - professional advice... - why giving the owner what the owners wants may not be the right thing to do if you truly care for the dog....

Reminder of campcourse in Creston, BC June 4-11.
2005 MAY 03

Will you be the judge? - an invitation to win free downloads.

How do you tell the good ones from the bad ones? - continuing the discussion about breeding ethics.

Reference to newly published article:
The Dangerous Vitamin A" .
2005 APR 24

Finishing the spay/neuter discussion:
  * Excessive sex drive or dominance - when a male is too "macho"...
  * Cultural influences - and some problems that are often wrongly related to spaying/neutering
  * Population control - and how it can be achieved in a better way than spaying/neutering.
  * Summing up on spaying/neutering

Reminder of travel activities still open for sign-up:
Creston Camp Course
Courses and seminars in the Ottawa area.
2005 MAR 31

Itinerary for trip to Eastern US and Canada - invitation to host seminars on a JV basis.

Second part of responses from the readers on the spay/neuter article in January.

Some possible reasons and alternatives to castration - additional comments related to whether or not to spay/neuter.

Reference to newly published articles: .
2005 FEB 19

First part of responses from the readers on the spay/neuter article in last issue.

Want to try out these principles in real life - with your own dog? - some philosophical thoughts on training - and the purposes it has for the man-dog relationship.

PS. Soliciting possible interest in seminars/workshops on the North American continent in April-May 2005.
2005 JAN 29

Camps for 2005 - introducing the plans for Maryland and Creston, BC this Spring - more info at

To castrate or not to castrate... - the beginning of a long story about misperceptions and incorrect and false information....

When good dog lovers become bad breeders... - continuing the discussion about breeder problems, and how puppy love can conflict with responsible breeding.

PS. Arranging camp courses or seminars/workshops where you live:
2005 JAN 03

The pet market - some interesting numbers from the pet food manufacturers.

Selecting a puppy - choosing a breeder - adding a few more important perspectives of costly traps for puppy buyers.

Training the dog to pull on the leash?! - introducing new e-book about how to avoid and correct this very common mistake most people are not even aware of: "Don't Pull On The Leash!". Also introducing a way to win a free download of any K9joy book.

PS. Note about special offers in The Peeing Post being available only as announced and through the dedicated links.
2004 DEC 14

Reasons for this issue being late...

Technicalities - a glitch on the mail server and a warning about spam filters.

Vets in the UK also speaking up about kibble! - The UK Parliament takes stand against veterinarians promoting and supporting kibble manufacturers!

New e-book on wolves, their diet, and domestication - introducing "The Wolf's Natural Diet - a Feeding Guide for Your Dog?"

Christmas present for you - free download of the new wolf book with any purchase in 2004.

One more Christmas gift... - 25% discount on presents to other people, consisting of a download to be delivered Christmas Day or New Year's Day.

PS. Reference to instructions regarding wrapping of gifts for a dog...
2004 SEP 19

Thanks for the help!

"My dog..." questions - introducing a spam free way of contacting me

Private phone consultations - a better and less expensive way of getting advice on dog problems

Salmonella and danger - pulling the scaremonger myth apart...

PS. Note on David Mech's seminar in New York about natural food for wolves
2004 SEP 09

A quest for help - recovering information about raw food suppliers

October Camp Course! - announcing camp in Creston, BC October 02-09 and possibly in Flintstone, Maryland October 23-30; (more info).

Dangerous Heartworm medication recalled - some risk management considerations about the danger of heartworm, compared to the danger of the preventive medication....

Introducing Finn Jensen Smed, the famous Danish holistic veterinarian - opening telephone consultations Internationally; (more info).

New information pages on the web site - introducing three new reference pages:
    Training your dog
    Feeding your dog
    Responsible health care for your dog

PS. The Peeing Post in the mail? Tell us your opinion!
2004 AUG 23

More on aggression and fighting - multiple dogs in the same household: specific examples and comments to possible solutions from subscribers

PS. Announcing possible camps in October, in British Columbia and in Maryland.
2004 JUL 11

Note on new address and new phone number in Creston, BC.

If you have trouble receiving The Peeing Post... - what you do when you ISP censors your e-mail so you cannot receive The Peeing Post...

More on aggression and fighting... - input from subscribers and my responses.

Responsibilities in regards to fighting dogs - why it is not always the owner of the fighting dog that is the idiot who is responsible for the fighting...

PS. Reminder regarding liability insurance and legal help from PPL.
2004 MAY 18

E-mail on our domains - announcing the new service, giving you an e-mail account as you want it - plus possibly a mini-web site at a mini-price.

When dogs fight... - a discussion of what dog fights are.

What you do when dogs fight... - a discussion of your choices.

How you avoid dog fights - or at least minimize the risk of them.

Some alternatives you also might want to consider... such as defending your dog - and how - if you want to take the consequences or doing it or not doing it!

PS. Introduction of dog food-health research project.
2004 APR 14

Shadow hunting - a peculiar behavior that uncovers a serious challenge for the owner....

Pet insurance - is it worth the money? - a discussion on what you should expect of your insurance - and what you should pay!

PS. Reference to 30 British veterinarians speaking up in public about vaccinations and the way vaccines are promoted....
2004 APR 02

Does your ISP censor your e-mail? - what you can do if it does: custom e-mail accounts on my domains?

More on aggression - small dogs worse than big dogs - what you can do to prevent aggression

Collars and harnesses - some comments on safety

PS. Reminder of the Oliver Camp Course May 01-08, 2004
2004 MAR 19

Camp Courses again! - introducing the first 2004 Camp Course in Oliver, May 01-08.

"Mogens, you killed my dog!" - feedback on "BrainWork for Smart Dogs" from a neighbor.

Aggression and mistrust - comments to an episode about growling over food, and attacking the owner...

PS. Reminder of the Pet Door Project - shares still available.
2004 FEB 23

Training treats - they are powerful and sometimes harmful...

Good treats and bad treats - what kinds of treats you should make

Use and misuse of treats - avoiding letting the dog take control...

A very common mistake when using treats for training - when bribing destroys your training results...

PS. Reminder of K9joy's Affiliate Program and how it can work for you!
2004 FEB 16

Final results - title suggestions for "BrainWork" - announcing the winners of the contest - and the discount link for Peeing Post subscribers.

What do you do when your vet is a jerk? You use LAW to fight back... with a PPL membership, it is affordable!

How you prevent those conflicts... - staying in charge when dealing with experts.

PS. Reminder of Pet Door Project - still some shares available!
2004 JAN 14

Groceries or greeting? - comments about not letting the dog dominate through greeting.

Is it evil or what? - thoughts about aggression and its noble purpose....

Please share my joy! - introducing K9joy's new Affiliate Program

PS. Announcing new sign-up procedure for new subscribers
2004 JAN 02

Pet Door Project - extending the special offer till January 6th, 2004

Using dog training principles on humans... - some simple considerations to improve relationships......

Free teleconference on food and feeding - announcing the last free food teleseminar....

2003 DEC 22

Good and bad news - most good...

Searching for treats indoors - part II - making the dog work its nose off......

The Doggy Door invention - an opportunity to join a possibly very lucrative venture....

2003 NOV 12

Searching for treats indoors - part I - getting started on simple nosework ANYBODY can do - and should be doing....

Food protection - and the "Grab-Release" game - one of the most important leadership exercises that also has some very critical aspects as first-aid tool....

PS. Invitation to participate in teleconference call on Natural Food
2003 OCT 18

Vaccination protocols - new policies under way from the vet schools in the US.

Crate training - cruelty? - Why crating a dog is not cruel - but failing to train it to be in a crate can turn out to become a very cruel omission in its education....

PS. A note also about taking dogs for a ride in an airplane... - a little safety rule.
2003 SEP 22

"Rescue" dogs.... - responses to the last issue's article on Imprinting.

Heartworm and risk management - what you can do to determine the true risk in your area, even if your vet does not co-operate but tries to simply scare you into using the dangerous preventive medicine.

PS. Teleconference calls? - a request for indicating interest in possibly doing teleconference calls on certain topics.
2003 SEP 02

Forest fires - cancellation of September camp course.

Raw food suppliers - request for contributions to new web page.

Returning to Imprinting - an illustrative and moving letter from a subscriber.

The "rescue" concept - is it for you? - some thoughts about making the right choice when you choose where to get you next dog from...

PS. Do you need cash? - invitation to get an offer from a private investor on your mortgage.
2003 JUL 22

Title feedback - selecting the winner

More testing... - free gift for feedback on new book about food and feeding

2003 JUL 12

Domain name problems - changing to

Summer camps - no more room in July camp - next camp is September 13-20

"Brainwork for Smart Dogs" - making progress with the publishing, announcing final title test.

New expanded version of "Canine Choice - by Nature" - introducing the new book and another title test.

A letter to the editor... - reprint of letter from former subscriber and comments regarding vaccination and breeder selection.

PS. Questions about frequency and size of The Peeing Post.

2003 MAY 19

Thank you for the many letters about Bettemuir

Finding good breeders - making sure your breeder knows what is really important...

Imprinting - why this is more important than anything else you can test a puppy for...

How you test the breeder's Imprinting - a simple practical test everybody can do.

Other things to check about the breeder - things you can check by phone.

Why correct feeding is important - how to check the breeder's feeding.

Then there is the question about vaccination... - why vaccination is not necessarily "the responsible choice"...

How we can protect ourselves from this madness - introducing lists of Holistic Vets and Naturally Rearing Breeders

PS. Reminder about title test for book about brainwork.

2003 APR 19

Saying Good-bye to Bettemuir (1985-2003) - training an old dog....

Making the decision - When to draw the line for how much pain is too much....

The last day - making a happy ending also to something that isn't really a happy event...

The aftermath - what you need to be prepared for so the grief does not crush you.

The lesson that must be learned - letting the dogs show us that tomorrow is more important than yesterday.

PS. Change of schedule for summer camps.

2003 MAR 17

Summer camps - introducing the planned camps for 2003.

Fire on "Feeding"! - avoiding conditioning.

Mental stimulation - brain work - request for help with title for new book.

How to Choose a Puppy, part 4: Your selection of breed - how you rate what it important, so you can make a decision that can work for you.

PS. About doing seminars/workshops/courses also at your location.

2003 FEB 06

What pet food manufacturers want you to believe... - comments to "The Dangers of Raw Meet", an article posted by Purina.

Selecting the Puppy that is right for you (Part 3: Your breed candidates) - about your family and social life and the research you should do.

Fighting dogs - some comments about breeds that have been bred for dog fights - and how you deal with that liability.

PS. Personal comments about dog ownership - what you do if you happen to own a dog that could be a problem for others.

2003 JAN 25

Domestication of our canines - some thoughts on trainability - which dogs are easier to train and which are more difficult.

Allergies and skin infections - extracts of a scary real-life story about paying professionals for useless advice that makes no sense.

Selecting the right puppy (Part 2: Your leadership)... - about understanding yourself and finding out how to identify the right match...

PS. Introducing the web site for for my seminars and courses, including "out-of-town" arrangements.

2002 NOV 28

Introducing my KEEN service - immediate advice on the phone about dog problems.

Rabies Vaccination and Travel - why and when you need a vaccination certificate - and some new rules for traveling to countries that previously did not allow dog in without a cruel quarantine.

Mental Activation - a follow-up on the Chinese Treatbox and announcement of a contest for the best contribution to my planned e-book about mental activation.

Selecting your Puppy I - first part of a planned series about how you should go about finding the right puppy for you.

PS. about JUVIO, an "extended warranty for your entire computer system".

2002 SEP 23

Reminder for last Summer Camp October 5-12

Mental Activation - the importance of giving the dog enough meaningful activity for its brain.

Nuisance barking... why you get it and what you do about it.

Finding treats in the yard - a simple training method that save your sanity.

PS. about JUVIO, an "extended warranty for your entire computer system".
Reminder of discount on "Canine Choice - by Nature".

2002 SEP 08

Announcing additional Summer Camp September 21-28

Anal glands are not always delicate...

Another less than delicate issue... (infection in the male penis)

The immune system and raw food (Some important reasons for a natural diet being a MUST for your dog's immune system)

New e-book with specific guidelines for feeding a raw diet: "Canine Choice - by Nature" (link to download at discount)

PS. about video "Feeding Your Dog - the Natural Way".
2002 AUG 15

Announcing additional Summer Camp August 24-31

Mental activation

The Chinese Treat Box (with link to special web page featuring Bettemuir demonstrating this mental activation exercise)

PS. about identity protection of subscribers
2002 AUG 06

Taking your puppy for a walk (with link to special web page about carrying your dog in emergencies)

Bettemuir in Clearwater River... - a true horror story about survival.

Lessons to learn... - why training is important and how you go about respecting Nature.

Chasing wildlife... - a very bad idea, especially for a dog that loves to live....

Leashes and collars - introducing the NEBKIN store

Summer camps - again in September also

2002 JUL 18

Looking for the perfect partner (joke)

Adding an end to the CRATE exercise

  • The BREAK command
  • The CRATE command
  • Rewarding only the behavior you want
  • Strrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeetching time...
  • Changing location

PS. About summer camps
2002 JUL 14

Separation anxiety - the problem. The reason for separation anxiety is very different than what most people think! And it is not flattering to the owner...

Separation anxiety - first part of the imminent solution: The CRATE exercise.

2002 JUN 16

Introducing Summer Camps - links to site with all the details.

When and how to make and end - response to a question about when to put a sick down down.

Feeding in the Summer - why you don't need to worry about the dog volunteering fast days!

PS about preparing your will while you still can...
2002 JUN 03

Shaving a long-haired dog in the summer - and why you should not do that...

Ticks - what you do when your dog gets them.

PS announcing summer camps.
Introduction letter

Introducing the newsletter.

Non-dated issues (introduction letters):

Topics covered:
Intro 1

Welcome - introducing the editor and his perception of dogs.

PS. About The Peeing Post....
Intro 2

Introducing You to Your Dog... - understanding your dog's heritage and genetic background.

PS. Loving your dog regardless its heritage.
Intro 3

Some Important Facts about Dogs... - understanding some important differences between dogs and humans.

PS. Dogs and people do not share diseases, except Rabies.
Intro 4

Communication - speaking Dog Language to your dog.

PS. Introducing Anders Hallgren's book The ABC's of Dog Language.
Intro 5

Social Interaction - how to spend time with your dog - and how to let it spend its time with others.

PS. Introducing the video The Dog's Social Behavior.
Intro 6

Making Your Domesticated Wolf Work for You - what dog training should be all about, in order to make sense for the dog...

Introducing "BrainWork for Smart Dogs"

PS. Bettemuir's example of an indoor hunting game.
Intro 7

Feeding Your Domesticated Wolf - why you cannot use human "monkey standards" for your carnivore companion.

Introducing "Raw Food For Dogs - the Ultimate Reference for Dog Owners"

PS. Why your vet is not very likely to be an expert at all, but is heavily financially dependent on your not thinking for yourself....
Intro 8

The Greeting Ritual - how to say hi in Dog Language without being rude....

PS. References to my seminars and to my fee schedule for out-of-town assignments.
Intro 9

If You Got a Problem... - avoiding boredom as a reason for problem behavior.

Banning - how to establish taboos for the dog.

Introducing phone consultations on dog problems

PS. Free advice per e-mail for subscribers to The Peeing Post.
Intro 10

Responsible Dog Ownership - liability and legal issues: Pre-Paid Legal membership.

PS. Acting responsibly in public.
Intro 11/A>

General Health Care for Your Dog - why vaccination is not something you just do because your vet tells you to....

PS. Reference to JUVIO to keep your computer in good shape.
Intro 12

More Health Care - and Risk Management - how to assess your risks through simple math.

PS. Introducing the web page How you make sure your dog stays in optimal health.

Introducing the holistic veterinarian Finn Jensen Smed.
Intro 13

Training Your Dog - getting the principles straight.

How to arrange training at your location.

PS. Reference to Video Training.
Intro 14

More Dog Training... - getting started on a Recall that will work.

PS. References to Camp Courses and Special Assignments.
Intro 15

Some Common Training Challenges... - making it simple for the dog to understand what you want - and avoiding training something you don't want the dog to learn.

Pulling on the Leash... - how you train the dog to do this without knowing it - and how you avoid it.

PS. Leashes and collars at K9joy Equipment Shop.
Intro 16

Trick or Treat - seizing the training opportunities you constantly get.

PS. Trainer materials for trainers? Maybe you want to use mine?
Intro 17

Pack Leadership Elections - what your dog is looking for when it casts it vote....

PS. Please tell the editor what you think about The Peeing Post.
Intro 18

Helping other Dog Owners - introducing K9joy's affiliate program

PS. Invitation to a free on-line course on starting your own home-based business.

Need advice on a dog problems? Arrange a phone consultation with Mogens Eliasen.

Boot camp for dog owners, with training of search and tracking!
Want a vacation with your dog and your family? A vacation where you really get to know your dog well through intensive training and fun? Click here for more information!

Titles available from K9joy:

Anders Hallgren:
"The ABC's of Dog Language" (140 page book - 1996)
Understand what your dog is telling you - and communicate with it on its own terms. A must have for all dog lovers. Easy to read. Easy to use as reference.

Mogens Eliasen:
"The Dog's Social Behavior" (2.5 hr. video - 1998)
How the dog's behavior is linked to its instincts and needs. What you can change and what is "for life". How you use this information to dramatically improve your relationship with your dog.

Mogens Eliasen:
"BrainWork for Smart Dogs" (380 page e-book 2003)
How you get a happy and well-behaved dog, stimulating its brain with 15 minutes of fun per day. Dogs need to work and use their instinct in order to be in mental balance. Everyone can do it with these instructions. More than 40 exercises to choose from!

Mogens Eliasen:
"Don't Pull on the Leash!" (25 page e-book - 2005)
The 5 simple steps in this complete training manual will effectively stop any dog from pulling on the leash, with no pain or abuse and no special equipment - and make the start of a much better relationship with the dog.

Mogens Eliasen:
"Feeding Your Dog - the Natural Way" (1 hr. video - 1998)
The fastest introduction to get you started on feeding your dog a natural diet. It explains the dog's physiology in simple terms, so you also understand why you should do this.

Mogens Eliasen:
"Canine Choice - by Nature" (80 page e-book - 1999)
The simple "how-to" about feeding a natural diet for optimal health.

Mogens Eliasen:
"Raw Food for Dogs - the Ultimate Reference for Dog Owners" (225 page e-book - 2003)
Everything you need for making your own informed decisions about what to feed your dog, and why and how. Includes numerous examples of feeding plans plus two chapters on how to work with your vet, also if he/she does not approve of your feeding...

Mogens Eliasen:
"The Wolf's Natural Diet - a Feeding Guide for Your Dog?" (80 page e-book - 2004)
What we know and don't know about the wolf and its natural feeding, and about the dog and its domestication, and what we can and cannot conclude from wolf to dog... this is the big "why?" behind any responsible approach to feeding your dog.